Health Benefits of Noon Chai

Health Benefits of Noon Chai

Noon Tea Also known as Kashmiri Chai in a glass with some ingredients aside

Noon Chai, also known as Kashmiri tea or sheer chai, is a traditional beverage that has been
enjoyed for centuries in the picturesque valleys of Kashmir and beyond. This unique pink-
colored chai is not only a symbol of Kashmiri hospitality but also a beverage rich in health
benefits. In this blog, we’ll explore the many health benefits of Noon Chai, delve into its cultural
significance, and understand why it has become a favorite for many across the world.

The Origins and Cultural Significance of Noon Chai

Before we dive into the health benefits of Noon Chai, it’s essential to understand its origins and
cultural importance. Noon Chai, which literally translates to “salt tea,” is traditionally prepared
with green tea leaves, milk, salt, and a hint of baking soda, which gives it its characteristic pink
hue. In some variations, spices like cardamom, cinnamon, and star anise are added for extra
Noon Chai is deeply embedded in the social fabric of Kashmir. It is a beverage that brings
people together, whether during morning gatherings, family meals, or special occasions. The
process of making Noon Chai itself is often a communal activity, reflecting the warmth and
hospitality of Kashmiri culture. Served with traditional bread or pastries, Noon Chai is more than
just a drink; it’s an experience that embodies the essence of Kashmiri life.

Nutritional Profile of Noon Chai

Noon Chai is not just a cultural delight; it’s also packed with nutrients that contribute to its health
benefits. Let’s take a closer look at what goes into a cup of Noon Chai and how each ingredient
adds to its nutritional value:

Green Tea Leaves: The base of Noon Chai is made from green tea leaves, which are known
for their high antioxidant content.

Milk: The addition of milk not only gives Noon Chai its creamy texture but also provides a good
source of calcium, protein, and vitamins like B12 and D. Milk is essential for bone health and
muscle function.

Salt: While salt is added to Noon Chai, it is usually in moderation. Salt helps in balancing
electrolytes in the body and can aid in hydration, especially in colder climates.

Baking Soda: A small amount of baking soda is added to Noon Chai to achieve its pink color.
Baking soda is known to have alkalizing properties, which can help in maintaining pH balance in
the body.

Spices: In some variations, spices like cardamom and cinnamon are added, which are known
for their anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits.

The Health Benefits of Noon Chai

Now that we understand the components of Noon Chai, let’s explore the numerous health
benefits associated with this delightful beverage.
Rich in Antioxidants

One of the primary health benefits of Noon Chai comes from its high antioxidant content. The
green tea leaves used in Noon Chai are rich in catechins, a type of antioxidant that helps fight
free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause oxidative stress, leading to chronic conditions
like heart disease and cancer. By consuming Noon Chai regularly, you can boost your
antioxidant levels and reduce the risk of such diseases.

Supports Heart Health

The health benefits of Noon Chai extend to heart health as well. The catechins in green tea
leaves have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol levels, which is often referred to as “bad”
cholesterol. Lowering LDL cholesterol reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, a condition where the
arteries become clogged with fatty deposits, leading to heart attacks and strokes. Additionally,
the potassium in milk helps regulate blood pressure, further supporting cardiovascular health.

Promotes Digestive Health

The spices often added to Noon Chai, such as cardamom and cinnamon, are known for their
digestive properties. Cardamom, for instance, is a well-known carminative, meaning it helps
prevent the formation of gas in the digestive tract. It can also relieve bloating and indigestion.
Cinnamon, on the other hand, has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe an irritated
stomach and promote healthy digestion.

Enhances Bone Health

The milk in Noon Chai is a rich source of calcium, which is essential for maintaining strong
bones and teeth. Calcium is particularly important for older adults, as it helps prevent
osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weak and brittle bones. Additionally, the vitamin D in
milk aids in calcium absorption, further contributing to bone health.

Helps in Weight Management

If you’re looking to manage your weight, Noon Chai can be a helpful addition to your diet. The
green tea leaves in Noon Chai contain compounds that can boost metabolism and increase fat
oxidation. This means that your body can burn calories more efficiently, aiding in weight loss.
Furthermore, the milk in Noon Chai provides a feeling of fullness, which can reduce the urge to
snack between meals.

Boosts Immune System

The antioxidants and vitamins in Noon Chai contribute to a stronger immune system. Green tea
leaves contain epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to
enhance immune function. Additionally, the vitamins in milk, such as B12 and D, play a crucial
role in supporting the immune system. By drinking Noon Chai regularly, you can help your body
fight off infections and stay healthy.

Aids in Hydration

While it might seem counterintuitive, the small amount of salt in Noon Chai can actually aid in
hydration. Salt helps in maintaining the electrolyte balance in the body, which is crucial for
proper hydration. This is especially important in colder climates like Kashmir, where staying hydrated can be a challenge. Noon Chai provides a warm, comforting way to stay hydrated and

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

The soothing nature of Noon Chai makes it an excellent beverage for reducing stress and
anxiety. The warmth of the chai combined with its unique flavor can have a calming effect on the
mind and body. Additionally, the amino acid L-theanine found in green tea leaves has been
shown to promote relaxation without causing drowsiness. This makes Noon Chai an ideal drink
to unwind with after a long day.

Supports Skin Health

The antioxidants in Noon Chai not only benefit internal health but also contribute to healthy,
glowing skin. Antioxidants help protect the skin from damage caused by environmental factors
like pollution and UV rays. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory properties of the spices used in
Noon Chai can reduce skin irritation and promote a clear complexion. Drinking Noon Chai
regularly can help you achieve healthier, more radiant skin.

Provides a Natural Energy Boost

Unlike other caffeinated beverages that can cause jitters, Noon Chai provides a gentle and
sustained energy boost. The combination of caffeine from the green tea leaves and the natural
sugars in milk offers a balanced source of energy that can keep you alert and focused without
the crash associated with coffee or energy drinks.

Improves Oral Health

Another surprising health benefit of Noon Chai is its positive impact on oral health. The green
tea leaves in Noon Chai contain fluoride, a mineral that helps strengthen tooth enamel and
prevent cavities. Additionally, the antibacterial properties of the spices used in Noon Chai can
help reduce the risk of gum disease and bad breath.

Enhances Cognitive Function

The caffeine and L-theanine in Noon Chai work together to enhance cognitive function. Caffeine
increases alertness and concentration, while L-theanine promotes relaxation and focus. This
combination makes Noon Chai an excellent beverage for improving mental clarity and cognitive
performance, whether you’re working or studying.

How to Make the Perfect Cup of Noon Chai

Now that we’ve explored the many health benefits of Noon Chai, let’s look at how you can make
this delicious beverage at home. While the process may seem complex, with a little practice,
you’ll be able to enjoy an authentic cup of Noon Chai.
● 2 cups water
● 1 tablespoon green tea leaves (preferably Kashmiri)
● 1/4 teaspoon baking soda

● 1/2 teaspoon salt
● 2 cups milk
● 1-2 cardamom pods (optional)
● 1 cinnamon stick (optional)
● Sugar to taste (optional)


● In a pot, bring the water to a boil. Add the green tea leaves and baking soda. The baking
soda helps in achieving the pink color of the chai.
● Allow the tea to simmer for about 10 minutes. The tea will start turning a deep red color.
● Add the salt and stir well. If you’re using cardamom and cinnamon, add them at this
● Slowly add the milk to the tea mixture. The tea will turn a beautiful pink color as the milk
blends with the tea.
● Simmer the chai for another 5-10 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together. Adjust
the sweetness with sugar if desired.
● Strain the Noon Chai into cups and serve hot, ideally with traditional Kashmiri bread or


Noon Chai is more than just a beverage; it’s a cultural treasure with a wealth of health benefits.
From its rich antioxidant content to its ability to boost immunity, promote heart health, and
enhance cognitive function, the health benefits of Noon Chai are numerous. Whether you’re
enjoying it as a morning ritual, an afternoon pick-me-up, or a way to unwind in the evening,
Noon Chai offers a unique and nutritious way to nourish both body and soul.